Monday, May 11, 2009

Do Dems Or Reps Ask More Rational Questions ? . . . Results of a Y/A Survey Inside. . ..What Do You Think ?

For the past 1 hour, I've been recording the questions that included name-calling and irrational hate .

And as a result, I decided to put things in perspective and replay 1 hours worth of this nonsense .

Here are the results(easily verifiable for anyone who wants to check)

People Said :

Cons are racist

Chickenhawk Rush Limbaugh

Ann CULTer

Pappy Bush and Jr's incompetency

Delusional Village Idiot(referencing Bush)

Bigger myth ? Holocaust or USA is a Superpower

Statement that the USA is a Communistic and Caste Society

Why doesn't McCain 'send' his son to Iraq ?

Since Bush is certifiably retarded. . . . . . . .

And only 2 from the other side of the aisle

Super Liar Gore

Suggestion that Liberals use the 'pull-out' method of birth control

So I ask you. . .. . .Who Posts More Rational Questions ?

Do Dems Or Reps Ask More Rational Questions ? . . . Results of a Y/A Survey Inside. . ..What Do You Think ?
I suspect the ratio of rational to irrational responses to your question will mirror the data you've collected so far.
Reply:Yeah you must have looked real hard...considering all over yahoo is

"liberals are traitors"

"Dems are enemy sympathizers"

"Dems are terrorist allies"

"libs should commit suicide"

"Dems are communists"

"libs is mental illness" from your own question here

(and my personal fav) "only good lib is a dead lib"

So I answer you that both are so un-American that should all be boxed up and mailed to Antarctica
Reply:You're being very selective in presenting your results. For example your lumping all Gore insults from the right into one while differentiating different Bush insults. You're also ignoring comments about Cindy Sheehan being used by the Dem's, liberal suicide and calling 9/11 conspiracy advocates felons. You're biggest mistake is looking at the questions for just an hour. How many cons vs libs were on YA in that hour? If you don't know that then your conclusions are nothing more than biased opinion.
Reply:Boss? Am I wrong in thinking that certain People, criticize someone else? In order to hide their own ideas from being shown? Is that the case, here? You haven't even approached the topic of "Attacking The Messenger". I'll never understand that one.
Reply:Short answer ??? Reps ask more rational questions than Dems......Long answer ? I have one but it is way too long.....Maybe another time. :D
Reply:Libs don't ask real questions. Everything with them is an insult or hate speech. They behave like spoiled children most of the time.
Reply:I have always wanted to perform this same survey.

However, one hours worth of observations may not justify any conclusions.

I wanted to take a more systematic approach, by sampling different days and different times of day, to account for people living in different time zones , etc.

I also wanted to include all questions from a certain period, so as to eliminate any personal bias.

However, I have a feeling that in about an hour, you will have a liberal copycat who has gone through and recorded only ridiculous Conservative questions and report that his survey reported the opposite of yours.
Reply:I do get irritated with a lot of what I consider the silly, childish questions here. I try to respond, but I feel like I'm shoveling sand - answering the same questions over and over.

But I'm not an unbiased source. And my opinions are just that - opinions, not facts.

So I really can't answer your question. A one-hour sample is not, honestly, definitive either.

There's plenty of idiocy to go around.

Perhaps I am the idiot, for frequently answering them!
Reply:Your research is flawed. I am at work now. I have no time to ask questions at work. Those that are home and do nothing for a living have time to answer and ask lots of questions. Rational is also a matter of prospective. Is it rational to call Iraq a war or is it a occupation?

One other point that makes your research flawed. Debate is always adversary in nature. What you call name calling and hate could be viewed by others as just a statement of facts. Study the issue of SPC and you will improve your own lack of ability to be rational.
Reply:In a word, NEITHER! By the way, Hahaha!, among others, has been posting some insults, so you should also read some of his stuff.
Reply:Reps WOULD use more aggressive wording, but realize they can't spell it, and are afraid of looking like the morons that they ALL are.
Reply:libs are suffering for a mental illness
Reply:I've seen far more immature statements from Republicans than you're stating there...
Reply:Liberals in the last 20 years have resorted to this name calling since they are devoid of real ideas on how to address the political issues of the day.
Reply:Your "survey" is flawed because it fixes its intelligence around the conclusion you are looking for.

And as to comments from people who actually count, rather than we yahoos on YA:

Don Imus calls women basketball players nappy headed hos.

Fox's Ozanian compares Hillary to Goebbels

Sen. Mitch McConnell says democrats want troops dead.

Why aren't you protesting against those irrational statements?
Reply:Your sampling size is to small to represent a valid survey. Do four hours, three different times of the day, for, a week, and then compile your results.
Reply:If you would have done this over the weekend, the evidence would have been completely swayed in the other direction. It just depends which bunch of fanatics happens to be on at the time. Don't worry, it will be payback time for this bunch later today. Then check it out again.

I believe most of them are teenagers and a poor venue to judge the political decorum of either party. Its just a stupid game and somewhat offensive to most people who are actually trying to make a point or hear others' views.
Reply:Republicans can't read nor write
Reply:I noticed you forgot the one about a lib committing suicide, or maybe you don't consider that irrational or hateful. There are more liberal questions because there are more liberals.

Exactly my point. Your "survey" is completely unscientific, therefore it should be included in your irrational questions category. Now the only remaining outstanding issue is "Are you a con?" I vote yes.

Ouch, the truth hurts I guess. Your argument has been debunked. Next!
Reply:Only about 1% of the internet, or Y! Answers in rational, irregardless of party.
Reply:Your "survey" is bogus.

You'd have to monitor the site for more than an hour, and you'd have to take into consideration time zones and where the people are from who are posting questions.

It's hardly scientific. There are times when I've been on this site when there have been NOTHING but nasty, childish, anti-liberal comments posted. It fluctuates, and you need to accept that. The fact that you can't see the abject ugliness in your own political party says a lot.
Reply:well.. about half of those are from one poster :P.. wait till shiraz is on to balance him out then take the survey :P
Reply:Typical Earnest,pretending his side never does what he accuses the other side of doing.

How about libtards?


I could spend all day on the crap cons call liberals.

But you know,after the idiot last night who accused liberals laughing about American soldiers dying,it's obvious you people have no sense of reality or decency.

Lie on,my man.
Reply:Hands down, in my opinion, the democrats are the meanest. They will even report your question as abuse to get it deleted to be vitriolic. I don't know why? They just seem to be a very angry, disgruntled group of people who enjoy naming calling and cursing at others? I gave you star!
Reply:Isn't obivous the Dems/Liberals are always on the attack just like their news agenicies. They feel the only way they can win the presidency is to attack,attack, and attack.

This is the only way they think they will be able to get their socialist agenda in place.
Reply:The Dems.
Reply:Yeah, you have to monitor it for more than an hour, silly!!! That's faulty sociological research there!!! This morning when, I first got on, it was all cons starting sh!t. You're going to have to monitor it a lot longer than that.

Funny. Cons call Sociology "biased", yet they can take a social science and make it biased in their own direction if they want to!!! HaHaHaHa!!!
Reply:You are obviously bias, much like Fox news. I have been called an ****** and dipsh*t personally. Use of the word "lieberal". Libs welfare checks under workboots jokes and so on.
Reply:Wait a couple of hours. As the hours move across the country we seem to get the other side. Early are the Cons. as we head to Mid West we get more Libs. Then in Mountain we get combo but more Cons. and finally in West mostly Libs. I believe if you were to do the study 24 hours a day over a week and then repeat several times during randomly selected weeks you would find that both are about the same.

Sorry to rain on your smug little parade.
Reply:lol.......that is great! But, in defense, it seems to be only the extremists of either side that bothers with the name-calling and bashing. Believe it or not, there are some rational people on both sides of the fence.

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Here are the complete results of the survey.?

In the following sentences underline all the nouns. Look closely there may be more than one noun in each sentence.

Here are the complete results of the survey.?


look, if you have any more of you just want to email them to me and I'll email you back the answer instead of you just wasting your points?
Reply:Survey is the noun.
Reply:or else do your own homework...we all did

The NEWEST results for the Harry P. survey?

okay, 77% of you liked it, 15% disliked it, and 8% were indifferent

the results did surprise me because i thought most people were indifferent. some people like the movies, but weren't too into the books or vise versa.

The NEWEST results for the Harry P. survey?
Well I'd be that 8% who are indifferent. I don't love them or hate them. I think though it's a good time-filler.
Reply:Love love love the books, and like the movies
Reply:I'm starting the final book and so far I am loving it!! I'm sorry to be at the end as it is great reading.
Reply:Really? Hmmm........ What if it died?

Good morning!! work today is a forum on the negative results of a staff survey. Should I speak up?? PLS ANS!

Should I tell the senior managers that the survey is correct and that they don't know how to lead people?

or should I be untypically quiet???

Good morning!! work today is a forum on the negative results of a staff survey. Should I speak up?? PLS ANS!
You should tell them to do their damn jobs! That's what they get paid for! lmao!

hugs babe!
Reply:If you like your job, be quiet. If not, do what I do and tell them what you think~!
Reply:Would opening your mouth place your job on the line?

Do they really want an opinion or do they just want a "Yes" Person?
Reply:Good morning to you too! If you want to keep your job say very little especially if you don't know the managers well

they have the proof in the survey that they don't know how to lead people so they are already cranky so watch it lol
Reply:It depends on whether you lose your job or not. A simple survey to me is not worth losing my job over.
Reply:tell those filthy people u call hereos at work the truth.
Reply:no, just smile and wave like the rest of the saps.
Reply:keep quiet

Reply:Tell those b@stards the truth, damnit!!

Polling results of adultery survey, 1/2 of the WOMEN?

say they are cheating or want to and the othe half claim they would NEVER cheat. Does that sound about right to you?

adults to see the survey

Polling results of adultery survey, 1/2 of the WOMEN?
It would seem to me that more than 50% have desired to cheat. Therefore the result of 50% cheating or wanting to seems a little low. And I find anyone who says they would NEVER cheat to be unbelievable.
Reply:never say never i think given the right circumstances most people would cheat
Reply:I think 1/2 is way low ...
Reply:Sounds right! The results of unfulfilled relationships.
Reply:no. it's more like 1/2 are true to themselves while the other half dont wanna admit to themselves that they wanna do it.
Reply:That sounds about right. I have cheated on my first marriage for about 13 years with only one man. There is no way that I would ever do that again. It is not easy living two different lives. The man that I cheated with is no longer living and I am finally divorced and have since remarried and doing much better.
Reply:Yeah, I think that's about right
Reply:that's sad. I'm of the latter 50% - if I'm really that unhappy, it's time for the relationship to end anyway.
Reply:I'm no cheater cheater pumpkin eater

Ok I eat pumpkins so sew me

Reply:LOL, I am not a cheating woman. =)
Reply:Hard to say because sex is one area where lots of people lie. Boys claimed they had it when they didn't. Good girls can walk out of an orgy and claim to be virgins. The survey sounds about right. Fifty percent think they never would. About 20% wouldn't want to get caught or have their friends or lovers find out and probably about 30% do cheat. If 1 out of 3 married men have affairs there has to be more than a couple of girls involved
Reply:Your a bad boy and you need a spanking.................
Reply:I believe they would cheat I did
Reply:I think it's much higher than 1/2 I'd say like 3/4
Reply:That's pretty discouraging.
Reply:The numbers are easily half the women's lower half is susceptible

to adultery when not thinking with their head.
Reply:YES that sounds about right.

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Where can i take a survey wherein i can see a graph results? :D

Important survey, DONT LOOK ANSWERS UP ON INTERNET, be serioues, results goin to b in a magazine?


# 1,2,3,9=yes/no answers only no maybes #10=tru/fals #11 optional(plz do it tho) results gona b in a mag

1.Do you think Chinese should be taught as an optional foreign language in school?

2.Do you believe in Feng Shui (practice of placement and arrangement of space to achieve harmony with the environment)?

3.Do you drink tea?

4.If so, why do you drink tea?

A.Because it is beneficial to my health

B.Because it tastes good

C.Both ‘A’ and ‘B’


5.Would you be more keen to buy a household decoration or any other object if it was considered “Zen” or had Chinese calligraphy or designs on it?





6. What animal is not in the Chinese zodiac?





7.What is the capital of China?

8.How many stars are on the Chinese flag?

9.Have you ever heard of or eaten the Chinese fruit lychee?10.The Chinese New Year is in February. your opinion, what is the biggest misconception about China or Chinese peeople/culture

Important survey, DONT LOOK ANSWERS UP ON INTERNET, be serioues, results goin to b in a magazine?
1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

4. Both 'A' and 'B'.

5. Yes.

6. Cat.

7. Beijing, I believe.

8. 4 or 5, I believe.

9. Yes.

10. True.

11. All look identical, same culture as Japanese culture. (Of course, none of that is correct)

2absolutely not






8 no idea, maybe 5

9eaten, its OK

10I dont know

11i dont know much about them










wouldn't know any
Reply:1. yes, they teach japanese at my school, but i'd rather learn chinese.





7. Beijing

8. five

10. false

11. that it is dirty. that the people there do not know how to live right.
Reply:1= yes



4= A%26amp;B







11=that they might be very 'closed in/traditional' people because of communism...(not really sure what the actual concept about chinese people is, so i can't really make a proper comment)

2 no

3 no



6 A

7 bejing

8 5

9 no

10 true

11 techno geeks, communists, or that they wear those cone hats


replace (dot) with .
Reply:1. No

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. Healthy

5. Maybe

6. c

7. No clue

8. No clue

9. No

10. False

11. That they are arrogant
Reply:My child you will do well to learn these things for yourself.

People are not that concerned with a fool.
Reply:1.'s just going to cost more money.

2. sure

3. yes

4. i live in texas. lol. uh. b.

5. b

6. d

7. i have no idea..

8. eight?

9. nope.

10. false.

11. they all like chinese food?
Reply:1: Yes, why not? 2:Yes 3:Yes 4:C 5:B 6:C 7:Beijing 8:1 9:No 10:False 11: They eat dogs and cats

How do I get rid of the popup about a sponsor survey?

Whenever I surf around our group website, each time I open up a page, a little blue box slides across my screen asking if I want to take a survey from a sponsor. Needless to say, I've clicked "yes" but the site comes back with a message that they have enough results from the survey -- yet the little blue box keeps popping up!

How do I get rid of the popup about a sponsor survey?
In order to do that u must look at the top of the screen and click the small green box and white box.

What are some interesting surveys/tests/results about how the human mind works?

The 'obedience to authority' test done by Milgram. Basically, he'd bring in some volunteers, assign one to be the 'teacher' who would ask questions and push a button that (was supposed to, but did not actually) gives an electric shock to the 'student'. Progressively, the shocks would seem to go from nothing, to ouch, to screams and pleading from the 'student'. Yet the 'teacher' would continue the test when commanded to by Milgram. He thought that perhaps it was his title as a respected psychologist with a Harvard degree that caused people to continue (believing that they were) hurting others just because he told them to, so he re-did the experiment posing as a community college professor with the same results.

People wonder how something like the Holocaust could happen, but he proved that it's simple--people follow orders, all you need is the wrong bunch giving the orders and horrible things can happen.


What does mean "chief expert" in a survey/ project that its results will be published as a report or book?

Many larger scientific projects involve a team of scientists and technicians. The chief expert is ultimately responsible for all scientific output (even if a lot of the work is done by others, it all passes his review and is done under his supervision). Usually the project leader is also the chief expert, but this isn't necessary.

In some more complicated cases, the chief expert is one of the primary scientists, responsible for the output of the team on one aspect of the project (say, structure or metallogeny of the area under study). In this second case, there would be several chief experts, one for each aspect of the project, but only one project leader who may or may not also be a chief expert for a certain field.

Research Paper Survey--I need results. Thanks!?

I am having a serious problem finding people (parents preferably to answer my survey. If anyone would like to answer, please email me at . I will gladly send it out to you. Thanks so much for your assistance.

Research Paper Survey--I need results. Thanks!?
just e mailed you but what kind of survey is it

sorry wanted my 2 points :)
Reply:what type of survey?

you can reply to this message and send it to me and I will take a look and try to help you

What do you think of the results of my football survey?Read on.?

It showed that if you post a question about Scottish football on the Scottish football section,then posted the same question on the Mexican football section,you get completely different answers.Now I'm going to try a Mexican football question on both sites and see what happens.

What do you think of the results of my football survey?Read on.?
¿Usted fútbol malo?
Reply:bob are u doing the things go better with coke thing(sniff)
Reply:You mean soccer?
Reply:Time on your hands, Pal?.
Reply:yeah. interesting. go ahead try %26amp; let see what' will happen.
Reply:i don't get your question but thanks for the 2 points
Reply:i don't get your question

Where can I find the full results of survey of Brit's 100 most annoying things, the one that has James Blunt?

There's a survey been commissioned by Lactofree of the things that annoy British people most. Everywhere mentions James Blunt at 4th, but where can I find a list of the full 100 items? The best I found was the top 20

Where can I find the full results of survey of Brit's 100 most annoying things, the one that has James Blunt?
todays edition of the mirror has the full 100
Reply:mondays Daily Mirror page 20

train horns

I did a survey and recieved some shocking results...?

20 percent of my school is bisexual, and 14 percent are lesbian and gay.

17.5% consume at least 6-14 alchoholic beverages a week.

What do you think?

I did a survey and recieved some shocking results...?
i think your gay/lesbian stats,bisexual stats are not even close to fact.
Reply:School gone wild!
Reply:...While I can believe the alcohol consumption, I don't believe your bi-sexual, lesbian, and gay figures - they are even more phoney than the Kinsey report. Most teens shy far away from this behavior, unless they are recruited or forced into it.

...And the fact that you hide your Q %26amp; A's makes me suspicious of your whole purpose for this "survey".
Reply:Being bisexual, lesbian or gay seems to be all the rage these days. I, too, think is shocking! I just can't bring myself to believe that people are born that way. I've seen, had, and cared for too many babies/children in my life. If just seems to me to be completely unnatural.

About the alcohol, that's just plain sad. So many lives are destroyed by alcohol and drugs.
Reply:Probably out of the balance 48.5% would still have some % of drug/smoking/etc charecters.

It is really pity the way the world is taking shape and we wish the world remains in the hands of the negligible percentage of Good Younger and future caretakers.

We can only pray for the best.*
Reply:Well, I'm not sure, but i think you need to seriously consider the truthfulness of your results.

How do I find sales/distribution channels for my test and survey making software?

I have worked for several years developing test and survey making software for my business. The product is called PROTASM - Professional Test and Survey Maker and can be found at . Create tests and surveys easily. No special viewers needed. Tests/Surveys are created as HTML pages (regular web pages) and can be viewed in any Web browser (IE or Firefox). Enable certificates in tests and test takers will receive a certificate they can print if they reach your specified score. Test/Survey answers can be text or images. Software contains a Results Viewer to track whether a user has taken the test/survey. Create graphs with results data, filter and export to CSV file. Time limit settings and set number of times a user can take a test. Create and share tests, surveys and styles with our user community. There are many online movies, tutorials, and FAQ's on the website. Use free version with no time limits (ads and redirects) or upgrade to the paid version (no ads or redirects)

PROTASM is great software and fun to use. I currently advertise on but am looking for genuine VAR (value added resellers) to get this product in the mainstream. I sent a request into Digital River but never got a reply. Any ideas?

How do I find sales/distribution channels for my test and survey making software?
for free streaming try this search engine :D

How would I calculate the average age of my survey respondents based on the answer percentage breakdown?

I am working on compiling results for a survey my organization just ran. One of the questions asks about the respondents' age range and here are the results: Under 30 (9%); 30-35 (16%); 36-40 (18%); 41-45 (20%); 46-50 (15%); 51-55 (12%); 56 and older (11%). How can I use these figures to calculate an average age for the respondents? It doesn't need to be super exact (and it really can't be, considering the vague nature of the "Under 30" and "56 and older" designations), but something close would be great.

How would I calculate the average age of my survey respondents based on the answer percentage breakdown?
If the survey was for adults only, one way would be to add the sum of the means times percent represented ,

(age 24 X .09) + ( 32.5 X .16) + ( 38 X .18) + (43 X .20) + ( 48 X .15) + ( 53 X .12) + ( assuming the oldest age range surveyed stops at about 75 , as I have had in prior phone survey done, then- 66 X .11) - will give yoiu a rough idea. It would be better if yoiu had medians of age age group, but this is the next best approximation...............

the means are the means of a given age group range , ie 43 is the mean of 41 through 45) Since you dont know individual ages of respondents.
Reply:My initial guess would be that your average age is 41-45, since that is where the largest percentage is, but obviously this is presumptuous. Unless you do have the actual age of those in the survey, you're going to have to use an estimate.

You could assign 1 - 6 to each of the age categories, multiply them by their number of votes and divide by the total number of votes, or multiply them by their percentage number (ex. 9, not .09) and divide that by 100. I would assume that either way you're going to come pretty close to the 41-45 category. I actually tested the percentage way before I wrote this, and that's what I got. Plus, if this is just an estimate, a designation like 41 - 45 should be an acceptable answer. Otherwise, maybe you could say something like 42 and a half.

Hope this helps!
Reply:take all the ages of the people that answered and add them together, then divide by the number of people that answered. this gives you the average.

Patrice and jason needed to report the results of a survey regarding the favorite snack food of the student's

at Milton Middle School. how could the report be done to produce a representative sample of 100 students?

Patrice and jason needed to report the results of a survey regarding the favorite snack food of the student's
The key is to make the survey truly random. Possibilities include putting all names of students in a hat and drawing 100 names, or using a computer to generate random numbers and match them to a numbered list of students names.

Once the sample is found, the report should add up the number of each type of snack food as selected in the survey. A percentage of respondents selecting each type of snack food could then be reported. For instance, if 13 people selected chips as their favorite snack food, then it would be reported that "13% of respondents selected chips."

How do i get rid of this computer virus?

How do you tabulate a survey result if the answers are more than one?

for example, there are 5 people asked but only 4 answered. how do we compute the percentage of response-based on number of people or based on number of answers?

How do you tabulate a survey result if the answers are more than one?

Let's see. Better yet, let's "tabluate":


(1) - No response (20%)

(2) - Response 1 (40%)

(1) - Response 2 (20%)

(1) - Response 3 (20%)

That is the greatest tabulation ever!

) A survey of a group of people produced the following results: there were 25 people with brown eyes and 15?

people with blonde hair. If 10 people had both brown eyes and blonde hair and 23 people had neither, how many people were interviewed?

) A survey of a group of people produced the following results: there were 25 people with brown eyes and 15?
use a veen diagram, it will help. Start by doing 10 people with both blond and brown and then do those with only brown (15) and not blond and then those with only blond (5) and not brown and add it to both and neither. It comes out to being 53

To the people who had
posted surveys, what
are your conclusions about the results of your survey?

I pretty much got the answer that I thought I would get

How can I add a YES or NO survey question in 360 and show the results there? Like a poll.?

I saw a poll on another 360 account but cannot find where you have them to add to your own 360 account. Yahoo needs more information for 360 users.

How can I add a YES or NO survey question in 360 and show the results there? Like a poll.?
Click to 'Edit or compose' a blog entry.

Below the white area where you enter your text/on the lower right side of the page, you'll see 'Create Poll.'

Click the 'Create Poll' link and a section will open up where you can type your question.
Reply:After composing your blog entry, look in the lower right corner of the page where you see Create Poll; click on that. Enter in your question in the first box, then write in the polling options in the other three. If you ant, click Add Another Option to give your blog readers more voting options to choose from. Click Preview to see what it will look like when it's posted. Finally, click Save to post the blog and poll in your 360 page. That's all to it. You will give your readers a chance to voice their opinions on whatever you blog about. I've done the same thing many times, and this should work for you. Good luck.

loops beats

A) why are the results from this survey more reliable than one person's observation?

In january 2002, thousands of pupils recorded the numbers of different birds seen in their gardens in one hour. they sent their data to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds who have kept data for many years.

pupils observed birds in their gardens for one hour during the last week in january.

which two factors are being controlled in this survey?

A) why are the results from this survey more reliable than one person's observation?
Time(one hour) and Place( thier gardens) are the controls. By using multiple locations at the same time, a more accurate population estimate can be obtained.
Reply:Because it gives a more accurate count, over a wider area.

and you find out if the birds are governed by climate change.
Reply:Auatralia conducts a backyard bird survey on Australia Day, 26 January, every year. I saw my 73rd species in my backyard yesterday ( a channel-billed cuckoo I have been listening to for weeks) but I don't expect to see anything like that number in one hour on the 26th.
Reply:Now why don't you put your brain in gear and work it out ?

It really isn't very difficult ...

What factors are being 'CONTROLLED' ... well what do you know about the Survey ... the OBSERVER, the LOCATION and the DATE and the TIME ....

Which of these factors have been chosen by the RSPB - did they choose the observers ??? No - anyone could do it ... did they choose which gardens ? No - it depended on who volunteered ... maybe they chose the DATE ??? maybe they chose the TIME ??? what do you think ???

Does no-one do their own homework these days ?
Reply:It's only reliable if the pupils can correctly identify the birds.
Reply:Say only one garden was chosen and only robins were seen,would it be correct to assume that all the other birds were extinct in Britain? Of course not.The more samples taken and more diverse the sample the closer it gets to mirrorring the British population.It is not an exact number but a good indication.

It is important that the time taken for the survey is the same and that the most birds seen AT ANY ONE TIME is recorded,not the total seen in the hour as you might be counting the same birds twice.My money is on House Sparrow again this year,what about you?

In an air travel survey , how would I describe my results using percentages ?

15% of all respondents said they hated flying.

How can results of consumer surveys be accurate when the multiple choice ans. don't apply in every situation?

I find surveys (by phone or online) confusing when the multiple choice answers often do not apply to me, and there is no option to pick "Other" and specify the correct information. Online surveys will not proceed to the next Q until the previous Q is answered. Does the sponsor wish me to choose a wrong answer by default if none of the choices apply to me, and if so, how accurate will the results of the survey be?

I don't mind answering Q's if it will help create better products or services, but I wonder if it's a waste of my time, the way many surveys are set up. I'd be interested in hearing feedback from the business community.

How can results of consumer surveys be accurate when the multiple choice ans. don't apply in every situation?
Surveys exclude "Other" because of a propensity to select it if the choice is foggy for you the surveyed. Forcing you to pick, forces you think and give them the information they need.
Reply:Surveys normally have a margin of error that they publish for situations like this.

I have results survey:how would you call game uses 97%,hands,,name it,please?

answerED: 1-volleyball,2-golf,3-handball,4-squash, 5-Volleyatthebeech.,no one, no say"FOOTBALL"ATanymomentat all.,DEAREST FRIENDS OF F.I.F.A.take it as you want it.,answered by people of diferent countries.woUld youtake this under consideration ah?any one opinion?go ahead at least i make my selF understand., for the poor critizissim on my survey,thank you all.,VIVA LA VIDA LOCA!futbol!.

I have results survey:how would you call game uses 97%,hands,,name it,please?
Not to nitpick, but volley ball uses the hands, forearms, upper arms and in extreme cases can even use the head! So not 100% hands.

Handball uses mainly hands, but I think the keeper can block with his/her body, feet etc.

I think I get the point though - you could call it Drogball!
Reply:Volleyball is 100% hands.
Reply:american's call it football....

used shoes

Where are the results from Christian Health Care Center survey?

Noone cares

Where are the results from Christian Health Care Center survey?
Hope this is relevant:


RHH Survey Results....(pt 2)?

For the age range of 18-25:

75% of those who responded said Lil Wayne is not the best rapper alive

25% said Free Michael Vick

100% of users in this age range believe Hip Hop isnt dead

No album stood out with a big amount of votes..Illmatic recieved 3 votes, others with 1; Buck the World, Uptown Saturday Night, De La Soul is Dead, Urban Legend %26amp; Trap Muzik

top 3 under under 30, following artists recieved at least two votes; Lil Wayne, Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West

33% think Tupac is the GOAT

22% said either Rakim, Biggie, or Nas

11% said either KRS One or Kool G Rap

83% believe Bitchassness is plaguing the RHH section

Age 26+:

83% believe lil wayne isnt the best rapper alive

16% say free michael vick

100% say Hip Hop isnt dead

Albums recieving votes; Straight Outta Compton, Empire Strikes Back, Nation of Millions (1 vote each)

33% say Rakim is the GOAT

16% said Ice Cube, Nas, Starang Wondah, or T-Pain (yes, Teddy Pain)

RHH Survey Results....(pt 2)?
Wow, you should do more surveys like this. These's results are very intresting.
Reply:Interesting survey.

16% said T Pain is the GOAT????????? Now that's funny.

I don't get why do people confuse T Pain as being a rapper. SMH.

I would like to see one done with those who are under 18.
Reply:T-pain? Wow ppl are getting confused in this era of

But its nice to see that everyone doesnt believe hip hop is dead.
Reply:Interesting that no one said hip hop was dead. I was expecting there to be a few, for the people over 18.

lol at T-Pain

At "bitchassness" I love that word. Diddy cant create good music but he can create good words.
Reply:Kanye is over 30.
Reply:Who voted for Starang as the GOAT?
Reply:i thought ye was over 30 if he aint he looks like it but anyway weird resukts

megan kick rocks if u dont know whats its about then dont answer

bitchassness continues its rampage
Reply:haha t-pain what a joke

dont free that dog killing f*k

hip hop is alive


Chamillitary Mayne, Papoose, Weezy(thats right i said it/ f the world)


Most def some bitchassness
Reply:okay.....ur point?

Sex Survey results are in!?

All women think that they know how to give a BJ, but less than 25% actually do. Most men think they can eat kitty, but only 25% can. Talk to your partner! Listen to what they tell you feels good and do it!;...

Sex Survey results are in!?
Really if a person doesn't listened to their partner then to me they are only out to please themselves. I think most people know that.
Reply:Somebody that has the time to do something I've never been interested in anyway. Not in this venue anyway.
Reply:Gee and to think sex education on here could keep the kids from having to be embarrassed at school learning it.
Reply:what a relief to finally know......not
Reply:you 4got about bisexuals and gays! -lol-
Reply:We finally know the truth!!!

Did you know the latest US Religious Landscape Survey results, they are interesting......?

Please go through this Link....

Did you know the latest US Religious Landscape Survey results, they are interesting......?
Interesting, thanks!

"The survey finds that the number of people who say they are unaffiliated with any particular faith today (16.1%) is more than double the number who say they were not affiliated with any particular religion as children. Among Americans ages 18-29, one-in-four say they are not currently affiliated with any particular religion.

The Landscape Survey confirms that the United States is on the verge of becoming a minority Protestant country; the number of Americans who report that they are members of Protestant denominations now stands at barely 51%."
Reply:Thanks for the interesting reference and the "Best Answer". What do you mean by "no mention"? Hindus were discussed, so ... ? Report Abuse

Reply:I think these survey's are full of ****
Reply:Over 16% of people in America have cast aside religion. Nice!

used shoes

Did you read the ASTONISHING results of this survey?

A worldwide survey was conducted by the UN. The only question asked was:

" Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world? "

The survey was a failure:

In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant;

in India they didn't know what "honest" meant;

in Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant;

in China they didn't know what "opinion" meant;

in the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant;

in South America they didn't know what "please" meant;

and in the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant.

Did you read the ASTONISHING results of this survey?
I like that one...have a star hun
Reply:Well I never! It made me smile have a star!
Reply:Nope, but its quite shocking.

And hey I am an Indian dont hurt my feelings. Honest.
Reply:Very appropriate but one day the food will run out and people will wake up.
Reply:So very true indeed.

The Bush Regime can careless what others think, that's why we are becoming hatred, and no longer seen as the becon of hope.
Reply:Very good. Have a star
Reply:Oh, I see! It's a joke! Oh, well! A lot of it sounds accurate except for the part about the Latin Americans. I have found many of them to be quite polite and to be prone to saying "por favor".
Reply:Made me chuckle :-) have a star for making me smile.... :-)
Reply:Ha ha, that's class.
Reply:A star 4 U!
Reply:I like this alot.

Reply:Excellent, have a star.
Reply:a gud yun mate.
Reply:haha, have a star!!! :o)
Reply:very good, I'll toss a star in too.
Reply:haha nice one

Have a star!
Reply:Funny,but how True
Reply:Scarily... That is sooooo true, Very good, you put a smile on my face, when i'm haveing a very miserable day! x x x
Reply:That would be even funnier except for the fact that it is totally
Reply:I didn't think of it that way but with your posting it seems very logical. Sadly it would seem to be true.
Reply:The British stopped at "Would you please give"
Reply:I thought this was great.

Keep 'em coming..
Reply:An unbiased bit of humor this AM. Kudos!!!!!
Reply:OK , I've read the 'results' now .

But I think you have an obligation to add a note that this wasn't a real survey . Us adults can figure it out , but not our youth .

Do you want to be responsible for misleading our youth. . .. . and all the consequences that may arise because of this misinformation ?

I really want you to think about that .
Reply:Whoo-who! That's rough generalisation, but so true.

Survey results needed for finals -- Please answer!!!?

What is the first thought that comes to mind when you think of the phrase "Needle Exchange Program"?

What do you believe Needle Exchanges do besides exchange contaminated syringes for sterile ones?

Do you think needle exchange programs are helpful in fighting HIV/AIDS?

Survey results needed for finals -- Please answer!!!?
What is the first thought that comes to mind when you think of the phrase "Needle Exchange Program"?

some drug thing

What do you believe Needle Exchanges do besides exchange contaminated syringes for sterile ones?

never heard of the program. i would guess they recycle syringes

Do you think needle exchange programs are helpful in fighting HIV/AIDS?

contaminated syringes increases the possibility of blood related diseases.
Reply:The first thing is a visual of humanatarians thinking they're helping!

Needle exchange can help reduce AIDS and HEPATITIS

until the junky 'shares' them with others again!

give junkies clean needles

sure why not
Reply:I thought of junkies.

They help combat AIDS.

Yes, but doesn't help the drug problem.

All the best :)

Please this is very urgent! Where can I find some Chicago´s water surveys results on the net??

I need to find surveys results, about water quality in chicago.

Please help me

Please this is very urgent! Where can I find some Chicago´s water surveys results on the net??
Try typing a key word or 2 into the search box and see if it throws anything useful up:

The Best Free Article Links.

Articles and essays
Reply:this may be alittle bit obvious but try google? try both google and google images.. and maybe alittle wikipedia. sorry if it doesnt help !

Are the poll or survey results in YA reliable?

Definately not!!!

Are the poll or survey results in YA reliable?
Okay, now I'm laughing!!!!
Reply:hell the fvck no
Reply:definitely not polls and surveys,other categories maybe yes

if a good question is asked surely the regulars will give a good me!

they wont fail you...
Reply:on some topics
Reply:yeah.... right..
Reply:yes. the government uses them
Reply:not sure


Reply:oh sure.
Reply:You have to use your common sense. For instance if you found a poll on "if your child", many people without children will answer this question. Who knows why?

If the answer is factual and you can look up the facts then yes it is a good reliable answer. Use your common sense.
Reply:Only when people answer seriuosly and don't act like fools.

used shoes

I am conducting a survey on AIDS. The results will be used in a reasearch I am doing.?

Statistics shows that African Americans are the highest in contracting HIV/AIDS. I want to know why do you all think that Blacks are more likey to be infected by HIV/AIDS versus the other ethnicities (Caucasians, Hispansics, Asians...etc) Serious replies please. Im asking just for opinions.

I am conducting a survey on AIDS. The results will be used in a reasearch I am doing.?
im guessing becoz of the poverty in third world countries and the lack of clinics give us condoms, they probably dont there, and coz of there ill conditions, it triggers it, wheras many people in uk, dont even know they have it.
Reply:Do you really what the TRUTH ???


Start on these steps right away!!!

First 1. Call 877-teach-me. And order the free tape and book!!!

2. Order Sam Biser's Book Resurrection at

3. This one is tough but start on a juice fast for 30 days. Just buy the juice man jr for about $50 bucks. Or go here for more info

4. Watch this movie trailer!

Then buy it

5. If you need a coach with the steps to help guide you along the way, order the Sam Biser videos on ebay!!! -12 Videos- it’s called (save your life course). Order these tapes and watch them.


7. JUST DO IT !!!

And remember I have seen people with 90% bone cancer Survive!!!

Read this

In our life’s we see people go through alot of pain, where they did not seem to really know where there going, so we searched for answers in health, relationships, and long life success. We went to the depth of the earth for cold hard facts. We care for all people and I want them to know the truth. Well all I can say is Kevin Trudeau is right on track with his books. My research does come from years of looking into the health field and I will say there our many others like Kevin Trudeau that have not come out of the closet maybe because of fear? Here are a few websites for you to look at. I will not give the websites out here but what I will do is give the name of the website and you can go to a search engine and find them right on top.

(The homeostasis protocol), (Sam Biser), (Dr Richard Schultz), (sanoviv) (hippocratesinst)

The success stories of these people are just amazing.

I believe one thing!!! All of these masters on health agree on one thing DO NOT CHASE A DISEASE!!! Because you’ll lose like millions have done already (Death). The way to knock out the disease is to give it an environment that it can’t stand to live in, like a fish out of water. Take care of your self and remember to pass this information on to the people you love and see in pain. Please take care of your self and your love ones. This time on earth is very short for all of us.

Contact me by email when you completed these steps...


God Bless

Have a Wonderful Day... Keep your head up and don’t quit!!!!!!
Reply:Blacks probably have more anal sex and are more likely to be infected.....)(
Reply:Maybe it is because of the high rate of drug abuse and using dirty needles. Looking at an area of possibly poor black populated areas.Poorer people dont always make better decisions on health and caring about being clean and safe.In high poverty areas there are usually alot of unsafe sex and drug use.l
Reply:because blacks are the one that cheats on their wifes with homo's and bring it back to there wifes that give it to the cute black brother that look to god to past up and then the brother that was to good to pass up give to this rican who sleeps with some black guy that has a big and juice dick but litte does he known she has hiv, but since he think this dick is ciean he goes back home and **** is girlfriend best friend on the side.
Reply:It is probably because of the culture in that race it is not the color or something but the high rate of sex partners and low protections.
Reply:Look at the HIV and unwed mothers numbers. What the problems is the lack of use of condoms and the higher Numbers of sexual partners.
Reply:lifestyle obviously plays a role in your risk factor for getting aids, but another part of the equation may be genetic succeptability (sorry i dont spell check, if you dont like it, dont read on). it is a fact that some races of people get the flu more often that others, and schizoprhenia as well as other mental disorders that are predominant in whites may actually be triggered by dormant genetically transmitted viruses (HERV). there is soooo much we dont understand about viruses, protiens and the like, any one who gives you a cookie cutter answer probably cut and pasted from the cdc website, so dont include it in a school paper.
Reply:I think you have misread. Aids is rampant in Africa. That is due to the lawlessness in that country, rapes and incest occur frequently and there is poor education there.

I don't think that is the case in the USA.
Reply:Well if a cultural sub-group is statistically different from other sub-groups, then the answer is in the question. What is different is the culture. One part of culture is the relationship between men and women within that culture. Therefore, if there is a statistical difference that is related to the way the members of a sub-group behave vis a vis the causes of HIV infection. There are three common avenues of HIV infection. there must therefore be a higher rate of these behaviors within the sub-group.

The three behaviors most related to the infection by the HIV in America are unprotected sexual intercourse, especially with multiple partners, intravenous drug injection with a contaminated needle, and receiving blood contaminated with the HIV.

Your research questionnaire must have these questions on it to determine which route(s) of infection is/are responsible for the higher rate of HIV infection in the sub-group under study.

In Africa, there are other important routes of HIV infection which include familial intimacy, and female sexual mutilation using non-sterile cutting implements. These routes are not common in America.

Secondary factors contributing to the spread of HIV in Africa are related to the level of education regarding the causes of STD's in general, and HIV in particular, and the reluctance of some governments to recognize the severity of the spread of HIV for fear of loss of tourism. The final factor would have to be the poverty of the rural sub-saharan population. If they have money to spend, it will go toward food and clothing before it buys a condom.
Reply:education plays a vital role I didnt know that u can contract the hiv and aids virus more than 1 time everytime u sleep with an infected person u pick up a new virus...............
Reply:It could be the number of sex partners and the drug use combined. Look at Eazy-E he dies of AIDS probably from both drugs and the multiple sex partners. Look at Majic Johnson, he has HIV because he has had multiple sex partners. Here in the United States, the number of all people with HIV/AIDS is because of the most part drugs, multiple sex partners, and homosexuality
Reply:Because AIDS was first found in Africa.
Reply:Before one begins to evaluate abstinence only and comprehensive education models by HIV transmission rates, it is important to identify the current state of HIV/AIDS in America. The first reported case of HIV was formally documented in the United States in 1981 and since then has spread into the nation’s spotlight as one of the most lethal STD in modern society. Once thought to only be a disease afflicting Caucasian, homosexual males, HIV has quickly infiltrated every race, social, and economic class; and now has the fastest growing rate among African American women. About 40,000 HIV transmission cases are estimated to occur each year in the United States; about 70% of cases are male and 30% are female.1 Furthermore, the United Nations states that over half of the annual 40,000 HIV infectious cases in America occur in individuals under the age of 25 years. At the end of 2003, approximately 1,039,000 to 1,185,000 people in the United States were living with HIV/AIDS and 24-27% of these individuals were undiagnosed and unaware of their HIV infection.2

Obviously the numbers about HIV prevalence and incident rates are concerning statistics, so much so that the American government has expanded and created new HIV/AIDS monitoring methods over the past ten years in order to determine the most appropriate ways to initiate prevention mechanisms. However, one of the existing problems in accurately monitoring the HIV prevalence rates in various states, genders, and transmission encounters is the fact that America’s Center for Disease Control (CDC) currently only uses data from 33 non-biased research sites for the entire United States.3 The researchers claim that from the data collected at these 33 sites they can develop an adequate estimate of the HIV/AIDS rates. (They use several, rather complex statistical analyses to apply the data from the 33 sites to the entire country—a method similar to that used by the United States Census Bureau to calculate America’s current population.) However, once all 50 states are included in this data collection, there will be an even greater confidence in actually determining America’s HIV prevalence rates.

In 2003, the CDC conducted an extensive evaluation of the HIV/AIDS rates in America and concluded that minority individuals are “disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS”. African Americans appeared to account for half of the diagnosed HIV/AIDS cases, despite the fact that they only approximate 12% of the US population. 3
Reply:I feel that it is because African Americans are less likely to get tested, also there are a lot of African American men on the "Down low" meaning they are closet homosexuals living the life of a strait guy. they then bring it home to there wives, but this also happens in other cultures and races. Also there is an increased number of African American Men in prison, drugs, and rapes are common, when these guys get out they may not know they are infected and inadvertently transmit the virus to there partners.
Reply:Because they are not as careful as other races when it comes to sex. They are more prone to drug use, low income, substandard housing, crime %26amp; so much more.
Reply:im pretty sure people think that because theres so many cases of it in africa and there are a lot of blacks in africa......also because almost all the people you hear of having aids is black....

What do you use the internet mainly for? This is a survey - and i need the results!!?

so, the more answers i get the better it is - and more statistically relevant my research will be

What do you use the internet mainly for? This is a survey - and i need the results!!?
I use it to buy things on ebay-chat and do yahoo answers and the occasional music download but not too much of that...Good luck on your research, hope I helped some.
Reply:Some of us use the internet to keep companies afloat - manage networks and systems. :D Report Abuse

Reply:Looks like some people never heard of Avenue Q.

:p Report Abuse

Reply:I'm a Day Trader. I use it all day long to track the stock market.

I use it in the evening to build web pages. My web page is at

I'm also a Grantwriter for a non-profit organization called Operation Hope Prison Ministry, in Tulsa, OK. So I use the internet as a research tool to find funds available to non-profits.
Reply:Moderating the various communities I belong to. Checking email. Research. Ect.
Reply:checking email and shoping
Reply:yahoo answers
Reply:Relieving boredom at work, looking up information, e-mail.
Reply:I mainly use the internet for Ebay, Concert tickets and games. Mainly Ebay. xx
Reply:to look at pictures of jack russells and this oh and e-mailing people

I NEED survey results for a statistics class?

I am teaching my class about chi squares, and am loooking for original data, so I will use the answers to this question:

1. Which show do you prefer: "Roseanne", "Married with Children", "Cosby Show"?

2. Are you male or female?

(We will use chi squares to look for interaction between these two factors)

I NEED survey results for a statistics class?
Married with Children

Reply:1. None of the above; we don't get cable.

2. Female.
Reply:1. Married with Children

2. Female
Reply:1.Cosby Show

Reply:1) Roseanne

2) Female
Reply:Married with children i guess

and i'm female
Reply:I'm a female and I like Roseanne. =) ♥
Reply:Cosby Show.

Reply:Married with Children (i guess)

Reply:1. Roseanne

2. Male

Why am I the only male so far that's answered?
Reply:I am male, and prefer "Married with children".......ummmm Christina Applegate...... I mean come her name even sounds good enough to eat.............

Reply:married with children

Reply:1. Roseanne

2. Female

I chose Roseanne, but the Cosby Show fell easily into second.
Reply:Married with Children, female

If you don't send in your survey results to Glow Surveys in time, what'll happen?

Then you won't be entered in the contest.

inline skates

What is your explanation of these survey results on controversy among biologists about evolution/creationism?

158 chairpersons of university biology departments were asked:

Regarding the issue of “Intelligent Design theory” vs. current biological consensus on the mechanisms of evolution - is there a difference of professional opinion within your department that you feel could be accurately described as a scientific controversy?

The results:

"Over 97% of the responding Bio dept. heads answered in the negative – affirming that there is no scientific controversy at their institution (Table 1). Just one individual (1.4%) hedged by allowing that there was one faculty member who publicly supports ID (see Comments), but this observation was followed by the assertion that the “vast majority” do not consider ID scientific and thus see no scientific controversy."

Note: "ID" = intelligent design

What is your explanation of these survey results on controversy among biologists about evolution/creationism?
Interesting. Having worked for a time in the biology department of a major (Ben 10 conference) biology (and phycis) department, that does NOT fit with what the professors at the college were saying. There was about a 50/50 split in both departments between those who believed that God was "agent" or "designer" behind life and the universe, and those who did not. (The chairmen of both departments were "Creationist").
Reply:Like a nose, everyone has their own opinion. Surveys can have a large error margin depending on the group surveyed. The Biology Department heads want their paychecks signed, so of course the majority don't want "Intelligent Design". That would mean that they would have to acknowledge and be responsible to a Higher Power.

The 'scientific intellegencia' all believed at one time, that the Earth was flat, or that old, dirty rags turned into mice.

Survey 100 three year olds, to see whether or not Candy comes from their 'Mommy' or from 'a manufacturer'. Unless the child has been to the manufacturer's office, they will all say candy comes from 'Mommy'. Stop wasting your time trying to dis-prove an 'Almighty Creator'. He exists and He created everything, including you. He gave us all a free will, to do and think as we wish. You use your free will to disbelieve, I'll use mine to to witness to His future Kingdom and to glorify His Name.
Reply:What needs to be explained about the results?

They're pretty self explanatory.

There really is no controversy amongst professional biologists - ID is not seen as a valid scientific theory.
Reply:100% percent of the people I interveiwed think I am very atractive.

I asked my Mommy.

see how numbers can be deceiving?

I'm actualy one ugly dude.

Statistic are like anal apatures everyone has one and they all stink

especialy when you can not interput them....this is pro evolution not ID.
Reply:the only controversy is with people who either don't know what they're talking about or have a religious agenda.

If evolution really were that controversal don't you think that one of the literally thousands of scientists who work in the field would have spoken out by now? Bearing in mind it's things like that get people Nobel prizes
Reply:'ID' or 'Intelligent Design' is just creationism repackaged.

It is the same old superstitious religious nonsense - attempting to masquerade as science.

It has been thoroughly debunked and shown for what it is.
Reply:Evolution is a theory.

Intelligent Design is neither theory nor science. It is a belief system.

ID is neither theory nor science because it suffers from lack of falsifiability. Did you see the recent Nova episode on the Tennessee court decision that found ID was simply religious instruction dressed in science clothing? The Establishment Clause of our Constitution prohibits recognition of any religion.

Evolution admits it does not have all the answers; religion admits no fault but claims to have all the answers.
Reply:No actual scientist would consider ID scientific in any way. Of course there is no scientific controversy.
Reply:A lot of people today are seeing God for the first time

and more are going to church,the word of God

is a powerful thing and many hear it.
Reply:Hmm, that is very interesting. Well, they are entitled to their opinion, but just because the majority thinks something doesn't mean the majority is correct.

I also like how everyone insists that evolution is falsifiable and ID is not, when evolution is based on many laws of nature that cannot actually be proved to be true in the sense that they like to say things must be proved. At some point you have to assume something. Yet, evolution is considered "scientific" just because it is "naturalistic". Doesn't make much sense.
Reply:Not surprising. It's only a controvery in the general public, where most people don't even understand the basic concepts of evolution.
Reply:Any intelligent person knows that there is no controversy when it comes to the subject of evolution. If you don't believe in science and logic, then you will never believe in the concept of evolution or evolve yourself.
Reply:Evolution is not a proven fact only speculation. The Word of God is real and will prevail

Where can I find survey results that JOE JONAS took?

I mean like a survey like

Favorite color: blah blah blah

Favorite animal: blahblahblah

Birthday: blahblahblah

Like one of those type of things.. if you could give me a link i would appreciate it!! THANKS SO MUCH! I really like him from what ive seen and want to learn more about him =]

Where can I find survey results that JOE JONAS took?
Please give me best answer.


What is the probability that if a favorable market occurs, the survey will have been positive?

Survey Results

Favorable Market(FM)-Positive: 0.65 , Negative: 0.35

Unfavorable Market(UM) -Positive: 0.4, Negative:0.6

What is the probability that if a favorable market occurs, the survey will have been positive?

I'm not sure that my answer is 0.65

What is the probability that if a favorable market occurs, the survey will have been positive?
if the possibility of the market being favorable is 1/2 then the probability would be 0.325

New survey results... funny or true?

In a recent survey into bl0wj0bs, and why men like them so much.... 6% liked the feeling, 12%liked the excitement and 82% just liked the silence :)

New survey results... funny or true?
Oh yes...smoking poles....

A young man walks up and sits down at the bar. "What can I get you? "the bartender inquires. "I want 6 shots of Jagermeister," responded the young man. "6 shots?!? Are you celebrating something?" "Yeah, my first *******." "Well, in that case, let me give you a 7th on the house." "No offence, sir. But if 6 shots won't get rid of the taste, nothing will."
Reply:That would be right!
Reply:thats just a wierd question to ask and disturbing
Reply:That's like the survey on what would be a perfect day for a man:

His son's picture is on the front of a box of Wheaties

His girfriend is the centerfold in "Penthouse"

His wife is on the back of a milk carton.

I liked yours, too!
Reply:Who thanks for that disturbing info

roller blades

New survey results... true or funny?

In a recent survey into bl0wj0bs, and why men like them so much.... 6% liked the feeling, 12%liked the excitement and 82% just liked the silence :)

New survey results... true or funny?
HAHA, that's funny, but i still think that they mostly like the feeling.
Reply:alryty then
Reply:i dont believe it. only 6% enjoy them, thats so not believable.
Reply:this joke sucks.........
Reply:Lovely stuff!
Reply:The feeling and the excitement but not the silence lol
Reply:Sad and kinda sick lool

What is the percentage of any survey that can consider as valid?

i'm doing social research survey.and i'm curios of the sample size that i should take so that my survey result would be valid.can anyone help me..thanx

What is the percentage of any survey that can consider as valid?
1 in 100 or 1 in 1000. Make sure you do it in a wide array of regions, though or else you will get bias results because you were in a subgroup, like just people on school campus,or dorm yards, spread it out through your town/city
Reply:before deciding the sample size, what is the size of the population you are going to consider?..i mean, for a particular area, there may be a defined population level, apprx...the higher the sample size, the more accurate your survey would be...if your survey needs greater accuracy, go for a higher sample size..

for moderately accurate surveys, go for a 30% sample size..but if the population size is high, say 1000 or so within a short duration of time, then go for a lesser sample size..

Makeup Question

Survey Results for Witches?

I asked questions for the Witches on here and decided to list my results for those who might be interested.

1- Average age is 35- I am 43

2- Average yrs studied-26- Me- 6yrs

3-Tools to educate-Books-

For me, Reading, reading, My High Priestess-LISTENING LISTENING OBSERVING OBSERVING ,but we never stop learning...

4-How introduced-Reading books-own tied...........

Me-family members

I just wanted to see how many people here on answers closely matched my own aswers, beliefs. I only had the question on here for a short time as I wanted to keep the anwers at a reasonable lenghth. I would like to say thank you for helping me in my studies by listings

Thank you for also for your honesty and taking this to heart and no smart remarks-but 1

Survey Results for Witches?
thanks for the results, I like to see how everything turns out without doing all of the work myself.
Reply:what you mean like this "wtf?" psh loser

HTML Survey On Site: How to make it send results to an e-mail?

HOw do i have my html survey send me the results from ppl taking it and sending it to my e-mail address? Thanks. HTML preferably!!!

HTML Survey On Site: How to make it send results to an e-mail?
Reply:I just recently created a website with a form. I used

It works great and it's free.

Basically you all you do is sign-up and then enter your e-mail address and it gives you a HTML code to use.

Americans - please answer a short survey - I need results for a statistics class.?

1. gender?

2. In what state did you grow up?

3. Twizzlers or Red Vines?

4. Coke or Pepsi?

Americans - please answer a short survey - I need results for a statistics class.?







North Carolina




Red Vines

Reply:1. girl

2. florida

3. twizzlers



red vines



Red Vines


chick, arizona, same thing to me, and coke


3.RED WINES( not vines)

Reply:1. Female

2. California

3. Black Twizzlers

4. Pepsi

All Over (FL, SC, IL, CA)

Red Vines

Coke, all the way
Reply:female wyoming twizzlers coke
Reply:1. Female

2. CA

3. Red Vines

Reply:1- f




new york


Reply:1. Male

2. Penna.

3. Twizzlers

4. Pepsi...!!
Reply:female--North Dakota--Twizzlers---Pepsi
Reply:1. Female

2. Montana

3. Twizzlers

4. Coke


Red Vines



Red Vines



twizzlers(never heard of red vines)

Reply:1. female

2. Texas

3. Twizzlers

4. Coke


-Red Vines

-Pepsi (not much of a soda drinker, but I'll go with Pepsi.)

How do I find an organization that will interpret the results of a patient and an employee survey?

You would look for a company that does data analysis or data mining. usually it would be some sort of consulting type of firm such as this one.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

A group of 983 families was asked to fill out a survey below. The results showed that 384 families own none of

these items. In addition,481 families own at least two of these items, 345 families own at least three, and 264 own all four.

How many families had exactly one? Exactly two? Exactly three? How many pieces of equipment did all 983 families have all together?|||264 families own exactly 4 = 1056 pieces

81 families own exactly 3 = 243 pieces

136 familes own exactly 2 = 272 pieces

118 familes own exactly 1 = 118 pieces

1689 pieces of equiptment

A survey of a group of people produced the following results: there were 25 people with brown eyes and 15 peop

A survey of a group of people produced the following results: there were 25 people with brown eyes and 15 people with blonde hair. If 10 people had both brown eyes and blonde hair and 23 people had neither, how many people were interviewed?|||try 53. imagine one big circle with 2 interlocking circles inside of it. the interlocking piece has 10 in it, the other pieces of the inside circles have 15 and 5 respectively. Then, there are 23 that are in the big circle, but not in either of the 2 circles inside, so 10+15+5+23=53|||The answer seems simple

If U be the total number of person. A with brown eyes, 15 with blonde hair, 10 with both would be intersection of A and B and 23 will neither would be complement of A U B.

U = A + B - Ainteresection B + (A U B)%26#039;

U = 25 + 15 -10 + 23

53 persons in total were interviewed|||Easiest to make a Venn diagram..... and then count:

Total people = People with neither + People with ONLY brown eyes + People with ONLY blonde hair + People with both brown eyes and blonde hair.

People with neither = 23

People with ONLY brown = 25 - 10 = 15

People with ONLY blonde = 15 - 10 = 5

People with both = 10

Add them together.... you get 53!

Good luck!|||63 or 73|||Ans. is 53

How to make a table for my survey results?

i have to make a table for my survey results showing that men like thin woman in media bla bla bla and women see it as bad i interviewed 8 males and 8 females and asked them questions about advertising and the media how do i make a table of my results|||you can make a table in ms word or excell

Where can i find results for a public survey?

It%26#039;s for hw..I have to find the results of a survey. like how many chose yes out of the population of 100 ppl... %26gt;.%26lt; something like that...haha thanks XD||||||Ask on

On the thing to seach thing. and type in

How many ppl Chose yes to(rest of the Q)

Are you ready for the results of our Survey on Conservatives vs Liberals and tattoos?

As some of you know Blair and I got into politics one night and the question came up. Whodo you think has more tattoos Libs or Conserv? Well what better way to find out that ask all our fine tattooed friends.The answers seem to have quit coming in so I did a tally and the results were quite interesting. But first Blair and I want to thank each and everyone of you for taking the time to answer this and for keeping things civil. Blair has posted this question in the political area and we%26#039;re waiting to see how that one plays out. Some of the participants wouldn%26#039;t come down on either side of the fence so we put their names on BOTH lists and spilt their tattoos between the two lists. It seems that based on our informal survey there were more liberals with tattoos but only by one person. We found more males on the conservative list. The result I found the most surprising the conservatives had MORE tattoos between them 63 to 54. Thanks to Zombie Eater liberals had more piercings|||I am surprised that us so called %26quot;straight edge%26quot; right wingers have so many tats. We are not all boring after all. I am glad that everybody stayed nice and respectful. You see, cons and libs can agree on things. Tattoos and piercings seem to be one of those thing. The only time I will come down hard on anyone, liberal or conservative is if they seem to hate the great country we live in. My B.S. ometer has been calibrated by NASA and lets me know when I%26#039;m being jerked around too, so don%26#039;t try to pull any fast ones or it will go off. Thanks. Good job rider.

I am very glad that i found this category by the way. I think i wasted brain cells over in the politics arena. That is where the real freaks and weirdos are.

Hey Rider, isn%26#039;t this tribal tattoo sweet?? Ha hahahahahaha|||huh. I am surprised, too. But now that I stop to think about it, most of the people that I know are conservative, and are HEAVILY inked. Which is interesting, but I have more coverage then my fiance, and I am liberal. Plus, I have more piercings then he does.

I would have to say that most of the people in my shop are liberal, though.

Interesting question, THANKS!!|||Tks for the results Rider! I%26#039;m actually kind of suprised...I expected the results to favor the liberal side. I%26#039;ll have to go check out Blair%26#039;s question over in the politics question.|||YAY! I skewed the survey!

Thanks for posting the results, to be honest, I%26#039;m a teeny bit surprised.|||Great idea for a survey, you should see if you can get it published somewhere...

How can i test if results from 2 survey samples differ due to their distribution rather than other factors?

we have a pair of results from a survey done with two different samples with similar demographic distribution. how can we test whether its the samples%26#039; distribution that causes differences in results|||2 sample T-test in statistics should be able to let you know if two data sets are actually different or same.

How do I get the results of an online survey I made to be emailed to me?

I made a survey form on my website. Does anyone know where I can find the HTML code that allows for the results to be automatically emailed. to me? Or how to do it in microsoft expression web/other software? Thanks.|||you should do this using a simple php post function %26quot;google it and you should find out how to do it

What is used as the center of the US for mapping and survey results?

Lebanon Kansas is the center but for mapping I am not sure how they do that.|||Lebanon, Kansas is considered the geographical center of the continental United States.|||I don%26#039;t believe that any point is used for the center of the States for doing mapping and surveying. I think those things are always based off of worldwide latitude and longitude lines. Thats why when you see a map or survey results it always in degrees, minutes.

How do you collect results from a 400 entry survey on paper?

Hello. In a week or so Im going to be doing a survey involving 400 people. It will be on paper and we dont have a scantron or anything like that. What is a good and fast software or way to collect these results on a computer? Having 4 different computers is a option too.|||ask on yahoo answers poling

How can I display survey results in excel?

I%26#039;m looking to put about 150 similar answers into a pie chart. Currently, the answers are written by me, in excel, and I want to find a way to have the same text (like: %26quot;No help needed%26quot;) displayed as a fraction of a pie (%26quot;No help needed: 35% of surveys). The snag is, I%26#039;m not using numbers with the answers right now. Any ideas?|||create a couple of formulas...

=COUNTIF(A1:A150,%26quot;no help needed%26quot;)

=COUNTIF(A1:A150,%26quot;some help needed%26quot;)

=COUNTIF(A1:A150,%26quot;lots of help needed%26quot;)

then, select those 3 cells and you%26#039;ll have a count.

have the label (no help needed, etc) on the LEFT of the value


no help needed | 10

then you can make the pie chart and include the data label

edit: email me if you need help.

Where is a place I can have a private survey posted and the results emailed back to me?

I am doing some research for a class of mine and I need to survey people. I want to post a bulletin asking them to do my survey and email me the results. Does anyone know a free and easy way to do this?|||Try Grisliest under post to classifieds at|||Try The software is pretty robust and free to use.

The following pie chart represents the results of a survey about whether people in a certain town have cats or

The following pie chart represents the results of a survey about whether people in a certain town have cats or dogs as pets.

Neither: 6%

Both: 22%

Dogs only: 44%

Cats only: 28%

What percentage of the people have only cats or only dogs?

How would i go about answering this answer?|||well i believe the answer is 72% of people have only cats or only dogs. You would answer it by adding 44%+28% =72%|||72 BY ADDING UR NUMBER 2GETHER|||72%

I really need a site with communcation survey Results!?

i need to find a legit website with effective communication survery RESULTS (Not where you take a survey) .. and one thats directed to the public.. not like about an office where someone works or w/e ... kinda like one about what skills you need to improve on

please give me a site and i%26#039;ll give you 10 points!!

ive been looking forever and cant find anything!!

help!|||and this is my reply!


Using survey results, how can you determine the percentage of others who agree with respondents?

You can extrapolate from the small sample to the larger community, as long as you have not introduced bias by your sampling methods.

What are some interesting test/survey results dealing with how the human mind works?

i%26#039;m doing a presentation on that, and i need some kind of statistics that are interesting.|||Could you be more or less vague?|||I have a book that tells exactly how the human mind works. It is called Bhagavad Gita as it is Translated from Sanskrit to English with Purports by Bhaktivedanta Prabhuapda. go to you can read it on line. Just choose the chapter you want to read. You Will get the real science of the mind. Totally amazing info.|||Read through the Wikipedia page on psychology. You%26#039;ll definitely find something interesting, and you can link to other pages with information that strikes you as being relevant.

What do you think of these survey results?

My grief counselor told me of a survey done on men and women. The question asked%26quot;How long do you think it takes for a person to grieve the loss of their child(miscarriage,newborn or any other age). The average answer was 2 1/2 days. This is such bull. I cant even imagine how some people believe this. I hardly even accepted it happened until a few months later.|||My grandfather said that the worse thing is life was he lost 1 daughter and a son. He said everything else was easier but the death of your child is like a death of part of your self. He was 93 when he died a few years ago. I believe it is true you expect your children to survive you.|||let me suggest you some standard survey companies.Pinecone research, Surveysavvy, Greenfieldonline are some of the larger survey companies, who pay regularly . A list of companies you can join for free , with details of amounts you will receive as payment, is available at

What do you think about these survey results?

It may be hard to believe but its an actual survey. People (cant remember how many) were asked how long should it take for a grieving parent(of an baby) to %26quot;get over it%26quot; and move on with their life? The average answer was a day and a half! Is that not the most insane thing youve ever heard? I know first hand how untrue this is.|||The survey only proves that some need to be put in the trash because their value is below zero. Survey that is not so much the people. People do not understand what they have not experiences. the loss of a child or anyone we care about takes time. the time it takes depends on the persons ability to adapt to the changes. A parent learns to move on but the pain never truly goes away.|||I don%26#039;t believe it. You can%26#039;t put a time limit on grief. For each person it%26#039;s different.|||Oh please where are you getting these results? The Weekly World News?

You, my dear, need a new grief counselor. He/she is throwing false statistics at you and for what? To make you feel like the whole world is against you. So you go around thinking that no one who has ever lost a child just thinks its no big deal. That is ridiculous, the worst thing I%26#039;ve ever heard and you are really, dangerously naive to believe it.|||You%26#039;re %26quot;grief counselor%26quot; is confused. S/he is probably talking about the various stages of grief... and the first stage - denial - is the quickest to %26#039;accept%26#039; because death is real. However, you never get over the loss of a loved one... ever. The pain diminishes, but not the memory or the love you feel. I lost my baby when I was seven months pregnant back in the summer of 1988. I haven%26#039;t forgotten him and I never %26quot;got over it.%26quot; I still think of him and wonder what if...|||That is ridiculous,I don%26#039;t think I would ever get over it!I understand %26quot;life goes on%26quot;,but that%26#039;s the hardest thing anyone would ever have to endure,I just lost my older brother in April,and my father I%26#039;m sure thinks about constantly,he barley makes it through a day w/ out breaking down,not that my brother was a baby he was 38,but he%26#039;s my dad%26#039;s baby no matter how old he is....anyway that is the most insane thing i ever heard.Most people I think would grieve for the rest of their lives...|||uh.. no its not|||You%26#039;re given 3 days of leave for the death of an immediate family member by law for work... Hey, if that%26#039;s all they allow, well, we must be able to function by the end of those 3 days...|||WOW. That is a VERY short time to get over a death. Even if that IS true, that%26#039;s not right. It%26#039;s sad. It%26#039;s a very sad thing when a brand new human is brought into the world, and then dies.|||Totaly not true. Although every single human being will have their own greiving time process....the average is definetly not that short. I don%26#039;t believe a parent could ever %26quot;get over%26quot; a child this fast