For the past 1 hour, I've been recording the questions that included name-calling and irrational hate .
And as a result, I decided to put things in perspective and replay 1 hours worth of this nonsense .
Here are the results(easily verifiable for anyone who wants to check)
People Said :
Cons are racist
Chickenhawk Rush Limbaugh
Ann CULTer
Pappy Bush and Jr's incompetency
Delusional Village Idiot(referencing Bush)
Bigger myth ? Holocaust or USA is a Superpower
Statement that the USA is a Communistic and Caste Society
Why doesn't McCain 'send' his son to Iraq ?
Since Bush is certifiably retarded. . . . . . . .
And only 2 from the other side of the aisle
Super Liar Gore
Suggestion that Liberals use the 'pull-out' method of birth control
So I ask you. . .. . .Who Posts More Rational Questions ?
Do Dems Or Reps Ask More Rational Questions ? . . . Results of a Y/A Survey Inside. . ..What Do You Think ?
I suspect the ratio of rational to irrational responses to your question will mirror the data you've collected so far.
Reply:Yeah you must have looked real hard...considering all over yahoo is
"liberals are traitors"
"Dems are enemy sympathizers"
"Dems are terrorist allies"
"libs should commit suicide"
"Dems are communists"
"libs is mental illness" from your own question here
(and my personal fav) "only good lib is a dead lib"
So I answer you that both are so un-American that should all be boxed up and mailed to Antarctica
Reply:You're being very selective in presenting your results. For example your lumping all Gore insults from the right into one while differentiating different Bush insults. You're also ignoring comments about Cindy Sheehan being used by the Dem's, liberal suicide and calling 9/11 conspiracy advocates felons. You're biggest mistake is looking at the questions for just an hour. How many cons vs libs were on YA in that hour? If you don't know that then your conclusions are nothing more than biased opinion.
Reply:Boss? Am I wrong in thinking that certain People, criticize someone else? In order to hide their own ideas from being shown? Is that the case, here? You haven't even approached the topic of "Attacking The Messenger". I'll never understand that one.
Reply:Short answer ??? Reps ask more rational questions than Dems......Long answer ? I have one but it is way too long.....Maybe another time. :D
Reply:Libs don't ask real questions. Everything with them is an insult or hate speech. They behave like spoiled children most of the time.
Reply:I have always wanted to perform this same survey.
However, one hours worth of observations may not justify any conclusions.
I wanted to take a more systematic approach, by sampling different days and different times of day, to account for people living in different time zones , etc.
I also wanted to include all questions from a certain period, so as to eliminate any personal bias.
However, I have a feeling that in about an hour, you will have a liberal copycat who has gone through and recorded only ridiculous Conservative questions and report that his survey reported the opposite of yours.
Reply:I do get irritated with a lot of what I consider the silly, childish questions here. I try to respond, but I feel like I'm shoveling sand - answering the same questions over and over.
But I'm not an unbiased source. And my opinions are just that - opinions, not facts.
So I really can't answer your question. A one-hour sample is not, honestly, definitive either.
There's plenty of idiocy to go around.
Perhaps I am the idiot, for frequently answering them!
Reply:Your research is flawed. I am at work now. I have no time to ask questions at work. Those that are home and do nothing for a living have time to answer and ask lots of questions. Rational is also a matter of prospective. Is it rational to call Iraq a war or is it a occupation?
One other point that makes your research flawed. Debate is always adversary in nature. What you call name calling and hate could be viewed by others as just a statement of facts. Study the issue of SPC and you will improve your own lack of ability to be rational.
Reply:In a word, NEITHER! By the way, Hahaha!, among others, has been posting some insults, so you should also read some of his stuff.
Reply:Reps WOULD use more aggressive wording, but realize they can't spell it, and are afraid of looking like the morons that they ALL are.
Reply:libs are suffering for a mental illness
Reply:I've seen far more immature statements from Republicans than you're stating there...
Reply:Liberals in the last 20 years have resorted to this name calling since they are devoid of real ideas on how to address the political issues of the day.
Reply:Your "survey" is flawed because it fixes its intelligence around the conclusion you are looking for.
And as to comments from people who actually count, rather than we yahoos on YA:
Don Imus calls women basketball players nappy headed hos.
Fox's Ozanian compares Hillary to Goebbels
Sen. Mitch McConnell says democrats want troops dead.
Why aren't you protesting against those irrational statements?
Reply:Your sampling size is to small to represent a valid survey. Do four hours, three different times of the day, for, a week, and then compile your results.
Reply:If you would have done this over the weekend, the evidence would have been completely swayed in the other direction. It just depends which bunch of fanatics happens to be on at the time. Don't worry, it will be payback time for this bunch later today. Then check it out again.
I believe most of them are teenagers and a poor venue to judge the political decorum of either party. Its just a stupid game and somewhat offensive to most people who are actually trying to make a point or hear others' views.
Reply:Republicans can't read nor write
Reply:I noticed you forgot the one about a lib committing suicide, or maybe you don't consider that irrational or hateful. There are more liberal questions because there are more liberals.
Exactly my point. Your "survey" is completely unscientific, therefore it should be included in your irrational questions category. Now the only remaining outstanding issue is "Are you a con?" I vote yes.
Ouch, the truth hurts I guess. Your argument has been debunked. Next!
Reply:Only about 1% of the internet, or Y! Answers in rational, irregardless of party.
Reply:Your "survey" is bogus.
You'd have to monitor the site for more than an hour, and you'd have to take into consideration time zones and where the people are from who are posting questions.
It's hardly scientific. There are times when I've been on this site when there have been NOTHING but nasty, childish, anti-liberal comments posted. It fluctuates, and you need to accept that. The fact that you can't see the abject ugliness in your own political party says a lot.
Reply:well.. about half of those are from one poster :P.. wait till shiraz is on to balance him out then take the survey :P
Reply:Typical Earnest,pretending his side never does what he accuses the other side of doing.
How about libtards?
I could spend all day on the crap cons call liberals.
But you know,after the idiot last night who accused liberals laughing about American soldiers dying,it's obvious you people have no sense of reality or decency.
Lie on,my man.
Reply:Hands down, in my opinion, the democrats are the meanest. They will even report your question as abuse to get it deleted to be vitriolic. I don't know why? They just seem to be a very angry, disgruntled group of people who enjoy naming calling and cursing at others? I gave you star!
Reply:Isn't obivous the Dems/Liberals are always on the attack just like their news agenicies. They feel the only way they can win the presidency is to attack,attack, and attack.
This is the only way they think they will be able to get their socialist agenda in place.
Reply:The Dems.
Reply:Yeah, you have to monitor it for more than an hour, silly!!! That's faulty sociological research there!!! This morning when, I first got on, it was all cons starting sh!t. You're going to have to monitor it a lot longer than that.
Funny. Cons call Sociology "biased", yet they can take a social science and make it biased in their own direction if they want to!!! HaHaHaHa!!!
Reply:You are obviously bias, much like Fox news. I have been called an ****** and dipsh*t personally. Use of the word "lieberal". Libs welfare checks under workboots jokes and so on.
Reply:Wait a couple of hours. As the hours move across the country we seem to get the other side. Early are the Cons. as we head to Mid West we get more Libs. Then in Mountain we get combo but more Cons. and finally in West mostly Libs. I believe if you were to do the study 24 hours a day over a week and then repeat several times during randomly selected weeks you would find that both are about the same.
Sorry to rain on your smug little parade.
Reply:lol.......that is great! But, in defense, it seems to be only the extremists of either side that bothers with the name-calling and bashing. Believe it or not, there are some rational people on both sides of the fence.
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