Monday, May 11, 2009

I am conducting a survey on AIDS. The results will be used in a reasearch I am doing.?

Statistics shows that African Americans are the highest in contracting HIV/AIDS. I want to know why do you all think that Blacks are more likey to be infected by HIV/AIDS versus the other ethnicities (Caucasians, Hispansics, Asians...etc) Serious replies please. Im asking just for opinions.

I am conducting a survey on AIDS. The results will be used in a reasearch I am doing.?
im guessing becoz of the poverty in third world countries and the lack of clinics give us condoms, they probably dont there, and coz of there ill conditions, it triggers it, wheras many people in uk, dont even know they have it.
Reply:Do you really what the TRUTH ???


Start on these steps right away!!!

First 1. Call 877-teach-me. And order the free tape and book!!!

2. Order Sam Biser's Book Resurrection at

3. This one is tough but start on a juice fast for 30 days. Just buy the juice man jr for about $50 bucks. Or go here for more info

4. Watch this movie trailer!

Then buy it

5. If you need a coach with the steps to help guide you along the way, order the Sam Biser videos on ebay!!! -12 Videos- it’s called (save your life course). Order these tapes and watch them.


7. JUST DO IT !!!

And remember I have seen people with 90% bone cancer Survive!!!

Read this

In our life’s we see people go through alot of pain, where they did not seem to really know where there going, so we searched for answers in health, relationships, and long life success. We went to the depth of the earth for cold hard facts. We care for all people and I want them to know the truth. Well all I can say is Kevin Trudeau is right on track with his books. My research does come from years of looking into the health field and I will say there our many others like Kevin Trudeau that have not come out of the closet maybe because of fear? Here are a few websites for you to look at. I will not give the websites out here but what I will do is give the name of the website and you can go to a search engine and find them right on top.

(The homeostasis protocol), (Sam Biser), (Dr Richard Schultz), (sanoviv) (hippocratesinst)

The success stories of these people are just amazing.

I believe one thing!!! All of these masters on health agree on one thing DO NOT CHASE A DISEASE!!! Because you’ll lose like millions have done already (Death). The way to knock out the disease is to give it an environment that it can’t stand to live in, like a fish out of water. Take care of your self and remember to pass this information on to the people you love and see in pain. Please take care of your self and your love ones. This time on earth is very short for all of us.

Contact me by email when you completed these steps...


God Bless

Have a Wonderful Day... Keep your head up and don’t quit!!!!!!
Reply:Blacks probably have more anal sex and are more likely to be infected.....)(
Reply:Maybe it is because of the high rate of drug abuse and using dirty needles. Looking at an area of possibly poor black populated areas.Poorer people dont always make better decisions on health and caring about being clean and safe.In high poverty areas there are usually alot of unsafe sex and drug use.l
Reply:because blacks are the one that cheats on their wifes with homo's and bring it back to there wifes that give it to the cute black brother that look to god to past up and then the brother that was to good to pass up give to this rican who sleeps with some black guy that has a big and juice dick but litte does he known she has hiv, but since he think this dick is ciean he goes back home and **** is girlfriend best friend on the side.
Reply:It is probably because of the culture in that race it is not the color or something but the high rate of sex partners and low protections.
Reply:Look at the HIV and unwed mothers numbers. What the problems is the lack of use of condoms and the higher Numbers of sexual partners.
Reply:lifestyle obviously plays a role in your risk factor for getting aids, but another part of the equation may be genetic succeptability (sorry i dont spell check, if you dont like it, dont read on). it is a fact that some races of people get the flu more often that others, and schizoprhenia as well as other mental disorders that are predominant in whites may actually be triggered by dormant genetically transmitted viruses (HERV). there is soooo much we dont understand about viruses, protiens and the like, any one who gives you a cookie cutter answer probably cut and pasted from the cdc website, so dont include it in a school paper.
Reply:I think you have misread. Aids is rampant in Africa. That is due to the lawlessness in that country, rapes and incest occur frequently and there is poor education there.

I don't think that is the case in the USA.
Reply:Well if a cultural sub-group is statistically different from other sub-groups, then the answer is in the question. What is different is the culture. One part of culture is the relationship between men and women within that culture. Therefore, if there is a statistical difference that is related to the way the members of a sub-group behave vis a vis the causes of HIV infection. There are three common avenues of HIV infection. there must therefore be a higher rate of these behaviors within the sub-group.

The three behaviors most related to the infection by the HIV in America are unprotected sexual intercourse, especially with multiple partners, intravenous drug injection with a contaminated needle, and receiving blood contaminated with the HIV.

Your research questionnaire must have these questions on it to determine which route(s) of infection is/are responsible for the higher rate of HIV infection in the sub-group under study.

In Africa, there are other important routes of HIV infection which include familial intimacy, and female sexual mutilation using non-sterile cutting implements. These routes are not common in America.

Secondary factors contributing to the spread of HIV in Africa are related to the level of education regarding the causes of STD's in general, and HIV in particular, and the reluctance of some governments to recognize the severity of the spread of HIV for fear of loss of tourism. The final factor would have to be the poverty of the rural sub-saharan population. If they have money to spend, it will go toward food and clothing before it buys a condom.
Reply:education plays a vital role I didnt know that u can contract the hiv and aids virus more than 1 time everytime u sleep with an infected person u pick up a new virus...............
Reply:It could be the number of sex partners and the drug use combined. Look at Eazy-E he dies of AIDS probably from both drugs and the multiple sex partners. Look at Majic Johnson, he has HIV because he has had multiple sex partners. Here in the United States, the number of all people with HIV/AIDS is because of the most part drugs, multiple sex partners, and homosexuality
Reply:Because AIDS was first found in Africa.
Reply:Before one begins to evaluate abstinence only and comprehensive education models by HIV transmission rates, it is important to identify the current state of HIV/AIDS in America. The first reported case of HIV was formally documented in the United States in 1981 and since then has spread into the nation’s spotlight as one of the most lethal STD in modern society. Once thought to only be a disease afflicting Caucasian, homosexual males, HIV has quickly infiltrated every race, social, and economic class; and now has the fastest growing rate among African American women. About 40,000 HIV transmission cases are estimated to occur each year in the United States; about 70% of cases are male and 30% are female.1 Furthermore, the United Nations states that over half of the annual 40,000 HIV infectious cases in America occur in individuals under the age of 25 years. At the end of 2003, approximately 1,039,000 to 1,185,000 people in the United States were living with HIV/AIDS and 24-27% of these individuals were undiagnosed and unaware of their HIV infection.2

Obviously the numbers about HIV prevalence and incident rates are concerning statistics, so much so that the American government has expanded and created new HIV/AIDS monitoring methods over the past ten years in order to determine the most appropriate ways to initiate prevention mechanisms. However, one of the existing problems in accurately monitoring the HIV prevalence rates in various states, genders, and transmission encounters is the fact that America’s Center for Disease Control (CDC) currently only uses data from 33 non-biased research sites for the entire United States.3 The researchers claim that from the data collected at these 33 sites they can develop an adequate estimate of the HIV/AIDS rates. (They use several, rather complex statistical analyses to apply the data from the 33 sites to the entire country—a method similar to that used by the United States Census Bureau to calculate America’s current population.) However, once all 50 states are included in this data collection, there will be an even greater confidence in actually determining America’s HIV prevalence rates.

In 2003, the CDC conducted an extensive evaluation of the HIV/AIDS rates in America and concluded that minority individuals are “disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS”. African Americans appeared to account for half of the diagnosed HIV/AIDS cases, despite the fact that they only approximate 12% of the US population. 3
Reply:I feel that it is because African Americans are less likely to get tested, also there are a lot of African American men on the "Down low" meaning they are closet homosexuals living the life of a strait guy. they then bring it home to there wives, but this also happens in other cultures and races. Also there is an increased number of African American Men in prison, drugs, and rapes are common, when these guys get out they may not know they are infected and inadvertently transmit the virus to there partners.
Reply:Because they are not as careful as other races when it comes to sex. They are more prone to drug use, low income, substandard housing, crime %26amp; so much more.
Reply:im pretty sure people think that because theres so many cases of it in africa and there are a lot of blacks in africa......also because almost all the people you hear of having aids is black....

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