Sunday, November 15, 2009

Do you want to know the results of Nelly's survey?

Nelly asked us to name our religion and has 58 responses so far.

The religion of R%26amp;S as sampled at a random time:

Christian of some sort: 29.3 %

Atheist: 19%

Other / no clear answer: 19%

Catholic: 8.9%

Pagan/Wicca: 5.2%

Jewish: 5.2%

Buddist: 3.4%

Mormon: 3.4%

Muslim: 3.4%

Agnostic: 3.4%

I rounded up slightly, so it might be a little more than 100%.

Compared to national statistics, Christians are strongly underrepresented on this forum, and atheists are strongly overrepresented. The other statistics (possible underrepresentation in Catholicism) fall within the errors expected for a small survey and correcting for the populations of various religions within English-speaking countries.

Why do you think Christians are so underrepresented? I'll admit, I know a lot of religious people who are simply not willing or able to defend their point of view. Many don't want to argue about it.

Why so many atheists? Is it possible the US population of atheists is much more than we thought?

Do you want to know the results of Nelly's survey?
Interesting question...

I do not know about the USA, but here in Canada most religious denomination "head counts" are provided by the religious organisations themselves, i.e. I am counted as a Catholic even though my belief in all of that is 0%, simply because I was baptised in a Catholic church when I was one month old and did not have anything to say about it. And the Catholic church would still label me a member until I actually initiate a process to formally get out, which takes time (you have to fill out forms and I understand even be visited by a priest who will try to make you change your mind). What is the point of me stating to a non existant god that I do not believe in such non existant deity?

At the same time, in "normal" surveys, it is quite possible that atheists would not like to tell that they are, simply because they do not know who is doing the survey, because they consider this a private matter, and perhaps they do not want to be singled out and be victim of discrimination.

I mean, just look at what brian8907 above wrote: atheists are troll. Is that respectful of other people's opinion? Ever heard of an atheist planting bombs or killing other people because of their faith? About atheists going door to door and annoying people, trying to enrol people in their "faith"?

So, it is quite possible that what this little survey shows is closer to the truth. Which is actually a good thing. Secular humanists do not attack and kill people over matters of faith and are more respectful of others.
Reply:I think it is because there is a minority fundie group that has really pissed off the atheists.

"what does something not designed look like?"

I just had to say I loved this answer with no other way to tell you.
Reply:Atheists like to hang out on the Internet more than most religious people, I suppose.

It is Sunday night; I suppose that most Christians are at church or praying instead of wasting time on the computer.
Reply:No, just us atheists are more tech savvy!
Reply:30% is good enough.
Reply:It is a well known fact that people are leaving the churches in droves,The church has many scandals and abuse and the people are dissatisfied in the church.People are lacking to get spiritually fed so the sheep will leave, one thing Jesus told Peter that if he loved him that he would feed his sheep!!!!!!
Reply:I think it has a lot to do with the fact that most Christians don't spend a lot of time on the internet. Most Christians are middle age and older, while most atheists are younger. I know a lot of older people that don't even have a computer let alone the internet.

Most Christians spend their free time reading their Bible's, at church, or at church functions. Not a lot of time to be here.

I spend the majority of time on Y!A during the weekday's at work. I see a lot more Christians then too.
Reply:I suppose it is possible, however I don't know many Christians who use Yahoo! answers. It could be that people just haven't discovered it yet, but it is interesting how one group is over represented while another is under represented. Maybe something makes atheists more attracted to a service like Yahoo answers.

Another possibility, which if true, is of great concern to me, could be that Christians don't want to hear the opinions of those who are not of the same faith, assuming they have nothing valid to say in the R%26amp;S forums. I am a Christian, and I believe anyone who is not being rude, demeaning, or prejudice has a right to be heard, and think that everyone else should hold the same attitude.
Reply:Eri, it's an international forum....but I think the results point out that the Internet is almost perfectly suited to atheism, whilst religion struggles here.
Reply:Thanks for the e-mail.

I was surprised by some of the numbers. One that was unexpected was the ratio of atheists to agnostics. Could this means that people are becoming more comfortable with being atheist and abandoning the euphemistic and flaccid designation of agnostic?

I think there are a lot of atheists for the converse of why the Christians are under-represented. Atheists base their beliefs, or lack of such, on evidence. That can be more effectively defemded in this kind of forum. The same might not be true in an auditorium. Here, charisma and the ability to win a crowd by personality, humor, or derision is not as effective.

I love this kind of format. To me, it is much like the ancient Greek concept of forum.
Reply:Why in the world did you put Catholicism in a separate category than Christianity, it most certainly is, only fundies will try and deny that.

Seriously look up Catholicism it is a sect of Christianity.
Reply:Could it be that since it is Sunday most Christians are in church or at church functions.
Reply:Your question is very interesting...but I'm not really here to answer it, I'm sorry...I have added you on my contacts,...ane for one reason..because I can't email/IM you or contact you in any way....You answered one of my questions a while ago, and I had a few questions about your answer..If you get a chance, could you email me?
Reply:please stop answering my questions.

personally, i dont give a f**k what you think.

im tryign to accomplish something and im just seeing if anyone can give me a different answer. i dont need better answers i just want to see if there is any other way. if you cant respectr that then you are just being immature and just plain mean.

get a life and stop trying to put down mine.
Reply:Mormons and Catholics ARE Christians...

AND there are more atheists, because alotof them are trolls and have nothing better to do with their life.

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