I read this blasphemy the other day...
"A 1991 Gallup survey found that college graduates were less than half as likely to believe in creationism as those lacking a high school diploma. Likewise, those with an income greater than $50,000 per year were half as likely to be creationists as those with an income under $20,000. In 1997 Gallup reported that only 5 percent of scientists believed in creationism"
My sunday school teacher, Mr. Hooper, said that the devil made the people who conducted the poll change the answers to make us Christians look bad.
Does the devil change the results of surveys?
how old are you? it is not the devil that changed the results of the pole. it may really be true that richer people may less likely to believe in creationism because they can afford to read more books that is the opposite of our beliefs and the poorer people believed more to Christ because they go to him more often than rich people because rich people need less.
Reply:no! i have nothing to do with this ! stop accusing me !! Mr. Hooper is a liar
Reply:The one who's opinion that matters to me is the Lords. What others want to say about me does not matter. I believe He created in six literal days, just as He said He did in Genesis. I do not believe the devil changed those stats. As for if they are true, I don't know... it really does not matter to me.
Reply:Satan commands you to buy all of our merchandise!!
Reply:I believe the results. Most "educated" people I know wouldn't look past the end of their noses to save their lives.
Reply:Stop going to that church, your Sunday School teacher is an idiot
Reply:well your sunday shool teacher is a dummy
Reply:Public schools are a program of indoctrination in evolution. If you've been brainwashed since you were knee-high to a grasshopper to believe something, is it any wonder that you believe it no matter what it says? Hitler said if you tell a lie loud enough and long enough, people will believe it no matter how ridiculous it is. Evolution is a lie that's been told long and loud. A good example is what happened in Montana recently. They found some dinosaur bones way out in the wilderness of montana. Since there was no roads out there to truck them out they tried to put them on a helicopter but they were too big for the helicopter. So they did something they never do with dinosaur bones....they cut them up so they would fit on the helicopter. When they did that and brought them to a lab and looked at them under a microscope they got the shock of their life. They found soft tissue, blood vessels that were still flexible, hemoglobin, red blood cells among other things. They brought in a world renown medical-paleontologists. This woman is a medical doctor as well as a paleontologists. As a medical doctor, she knows what blood cells, blood vessels and hemoglobin look like. As a paleontologists she knows what dinosaur bones look like. Dinasoars, according to evolution, are supposed to have lived 65 million years ago. But soft tissue,flexible blood vessels, red blood cells and hemoglobin are not going to last 65 million years. They won't last a million years. They won't last a thousand years. She's an expert in both fields. You would think she would have said "I know the theory says that dinosaurs lived 65million years ago but the theory must be wrong in this case". It's obvious that this dinosaur didn't live that long ago. But she just couldn't go against the theory. Evolution was right regardless of what she was seeing with her own eyes. If you have to choose between what your very senses(hearing, seeing,smell, touch, taste) including your common sense and even your educational training
are telling you and the theory of evolution........choose evolution.You say that college graduates were less than half as likely to believe in creationism as those lacking a high school diploma.. About 98% of those college graduates don't know a thing about evolution. Take every Doctorate in computer science in the world and ask them what a living fossil is and 99% won't have a clue. In the public school, evolution is taught like a religion. The students are not allowed to hear the other side. A teacher can lose his job if he even presents the weak points of evolution. He certainly cannot show the massive evidence against evolution including the information in the DNA nor can he even present evolution in an unfavorable way. You say that the evidence shows that the longer you've been in school the more you're going to believe in evolution. SURPRISE,SURPRISE. That's to be expected. Since evolution is the only theory allowed, the longer you've been in school the longer you've been brainwashed and therefore the higher probability you will believe in it.
Anybody who says there is no God is just not thinking straight. In your brain there are 100 billion neurons. Each one of those neurons(remember, there's 100 billion of them) is connected to 1000 other neurons. That comes out to 100 trillion connections in your brain. These connections send electronic signals(and you can measure the electricity) from one place to another. If part of the brain is damaged and you lose some function that is controlled by that part of the brain, the brain can actually re-wire itself and let other neurons in the undamaged part of the brain take over so that you can get back that function. That's only the connections in the brain, not the rest of the body.
Our bodies also have tons of information in the DNA. You have enough information in your DNA to fill encyclopedia sized books stacked from here to the moon and back 500 times. Do you really think that came about by just random chance........kind of like a monkey typing out the works of Shakespear just by randomly plucking away at the keys?
You need to step back and look at the big picture of what is being claimed by evolution, namely, that the unbelieveable complexity of the human brain(not to mention the rest of the body) is nothing more than re-arranged pond scum. It’s pond scum from the original prebiotic soup re-arranged over billions of years into 100 trillion connections in the brain by luck…..just random chance.
What we see in our everyday existence is that life always comes from already existing life. It never comes from dead chemicals. Evolution is a dead theory. This charade will not go on. The intelligent design crowd is making inroads everywhere. The evolutionists are kicking and screaming about it but it's a waste of time. Like I said, evolution is dead. It died in 1962 when Crick and Watson discovered that there was information in the genes. To quote Dr. Louis Bounoure, Director of the Zoological Museum and Director of Research at the National Center of Scientific Research in France,"evolution is a fairy tale for adults".
Reply:I don't think they changed the answers. But I don't agree with the implications that people who believe in Creationism are less intelligent than those who don't. I think the reason for those results is that most colleges teach Evolution, and not creationism...and a lot of people just don't question what they're taught (whether it is Evolution or Creationism). Someone without a high school diploma may just be less likely to have ever had their faith challenged then someone who has been through college and been exposed to different ideas.
Dispite the fact that many Universities discredit creationism, there are many, many college educated people who believe in it--myself included.
Reply:I highly doubt that. However, the Bible says, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to Heaven."
In addition, the evidence for Evolution has been disappearing recently and a lot more scientists have been turning to Intelligent Design. They are a force to be reckoned with now.
Reply:Yes, its true. The polls show that Bush has a 39% approval rating but it is a lie created by the devil. In reality 99% per cent of the people in the US approve of Bush.
Reply:Yep! The devil for sure.
Reply:Seeing as how I believe in God, but not in religion, I don't think I can help you, but let me point out something. Why do Christians always blame the devil for everything?
Reply:Not the devil, it's Them da** imps. They switch things around all the time.
Reply:I don't think that we can exactly call it a blasphemy, but statistics can have many variables that influence an outcome. For example, what was the geographic region of the students/graduates who were surveyed?
For your own sake, be skeptical of any statistical~
statistics don't lie, but you can lie with statistics
Reply:Nope, no devil there. Simply says that the smarter you are, the less you believe the Christian mythology. But there are always exceptions, this only shows the trend.
Reply:I've got a video for you that applies to this:
Reply:Plenty of educated Christians who love and honor God don’t believe that creation happened as told in the Genesis story. That doesn’t make us any less Christian or mean that the devil has our minds. I have prayed about this a lot so that I don’t mislead anybody. The Spirit has led me to plenty of sources that show how one can accept current scientific findings and still be a person of Faith.
My advice: don’t turn to your Sunday School teacher for scientific information and don’t turn to you science teacher for information about religion.
Reply:Here's some first hand experience. My dad works with phD's at the LLNL (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) and he's found out that the scientist are religious much more then not, because they see how perfectly our world is created. Surveys aren't messed up by the devil, but by the people who create them with biased opinions on how to prove a point.
Reply:It could be but in regards to what Mr, Hopper and the Gallup pole don;t take notice because I will tell you something that will shatter the Galop pole, Albert Einstein the greatest modern ,mind of our times and the creator of the theory of realativity said The more I learn from science and math, the more I believe in God
Reply:No, the "devil" does not change the results of surveys. Your Sunday school teacher is full of crap and he knows it!
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