Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ladies, women and girls. a survey of genders. the result?

taking a survey here to find out- after which the results will be tallied and the winner displayed for all to see-which gender is faster, and if my girl is right and it is the females, which way was used the most. girls-if you have ever under any circumstances went to smack a guy-even if joking-did you get him or not? if so, what worked on him? right smack? or left? or did it not work? who is faster here, guys or girls? i'll cast the first 2. i know a girl who playfully got me with her right smack once, square on my cheek. the same gilr also got a friend of mine, same right smack also. but she's only 1 girl. i wonder about the majority. so, if you ever tried it, did you get him or not? right smack or left?

Ladies, women and girls. a survey of genders. the result?
I smack with whatever hand I'm stronger with which would be my left. So that question you just asked was so stupid that I should smack you with my left hand.
Reply:no, but i would venture to say 'right' since majority of people are right handed.

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