Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm trying to create a survey in Excel 2003. I need to learn how to attach a value to an option button.?

Once I've coded each of the option buttons then I need to be able to transfer the data to a results page.

I'm trying to create a survey in Excel 2003. I need to learn how to attach a value to an option button.?

Hi. I received your survey files. I took a look at them, made some changes and suggestions, and sent a file back to you with some notes. Hope it's what you needed.



I am using Excel 2003. If you are programming in VBA then my answer may not be what you need. If you are simply using option buttons from the Forms Toolbar in a worksheet, then this may help.

Once you have placed any option button on the worksheet, you can right click on the option button and a box should pop up. At the bottom you will see an item called format control. Click on that. A box will pop up with 5 tabs. Click on the Control Tab. You will see a box that says Cell Link. Let's say you enter cell E1 in this box. Now when you click on the option button, a value will appear in cell E1. If you only have 1 button it may be the number 1.

So now in a results page, you would need to create a formula that links back to cell E1. Something like this: (and I am writing it in english, not Excel formula language)

If ( cell E1 on the other page = 1 , "selected", "not selected" )

Option buttons can be tricky and it depends on how many you have, if you are putting them in a group box, etc.

Hope this helps. I'd be glad to help more. You can e-mail me your spreadsheet and some more detail on your question if you like at

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