Monday, May 24, 2010

Incomplete survey ???

A survey was conducted about traffic stops and arrests. the news media stated that (out of all the stops made approx. 1/3 were white 1/3 hispanic and 1/3 afroamerican. But hispanic and afroamericans were more likely to be arrested.) Why is that? They didn't complete the survey. they didn't say why they were arrested. Could it be, DUI, DWI, Parole violations, Warrents,Drugs, Guns in vehicle, no license,no insurance,unregistered vehicle,seatbelt violation,misuse of plates, stolen vehicle, I can go on and on. The news media gives us the head line not the results, just like the survey gives us the numbers, but not the reasons. Don't you think it would help if they put down why they were arrested so that we would know how the survey came up with those numbers? Or was there a survey at all?

Incomplete survey ???
Who cares?. Is this really going to have an impact on your life?.
Reply:Sounds like you got most of them however 3 out of 5 Hispanics in the prison at Hobbs NM are there for sex with minors.
Reply:I know I can't put this in words that everyone will find acceptable. The majority of people in prisons throughout the nation are black and Hispanic. This coincides with the number of minorities that are arrested during vehicle stops. The reason for the arrest could be anything you listed, and even some you haven't mentioned.

I will make one point about vehicle stops not enough people know: When a vehicle is traveling at speeds of 35 mph and up, it is virtually impossible to see the race or gender of the vehicle operator. When the windows are tinted, it's even more difficult. In most cases, racial profiling is a load of crap.

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